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bet luin oli electrolyte

Regular price R$ 798.662,55 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 376.720,34 BRL
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bet luin oli electrolyte

Discover the captivating world of electrolytes, the crucial players in maintaining a delicate balance within our body. Unravel the mechanisms behind their vital functions and their impact on overall health.

Electrolytes are like the unsung heroes within our bodies, silently but diligently maintaining harmony and function

These charged ions, such as sodium, potassium, and chloride, play a crucial role in various physiological processes, including regulating fluid balance, transmitting nerve signals, and supporting muscle contractions

Without them, our body's intricate systems would falter, leading to disruptions in basic functions

Whether through hydration or dietary intake, ensuring an adequate supply of electrolytes is essential for optimal health and well-being

So, let's delve into the fascinating realm of electrolytes and appreciate the indispensable role they play in keeping us energized and balanced.

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